pirmdiena, 2015. gada 23. marts

vienu dienu es reiz sapņoju
kā no sava murga beidzot aizbēgu
viss jaunais likās tik neparasts
jo iepriekš jau nebija pierasts
es ilgi domāju, ko lai saka
citiem jau šī ir iemīta taka
un tomēr, es nevaru šeit palikt rīt
jo citas zvaigznes šeit tīkamāk spīd
es aiziešu projām viena
tik un tā tev biju kā tukša siena
bet tu raudāsi, gaužas asaras liesi
tad pēc laika jau pakaļ citām skriesi


beidz rādīt to neapmierināto ģīmi
glābt mani jau būs gana
pieliec sev pie sirds zīmi
domādams, lai pašam kauna nava
izsmējis vien būsi sevi
palicis pie draugiem, kuri nav mīlējuši tevi
aiztriecies līdz otrai pasaules malai
atnesis dārgumus baudai savai
darījis visu pēc laimes principiem
palicis viens neskatoties uz noteikumiem
sēdi tagad stūrī vienā
blenžot tajā pašā sienā
nesaprotot, kur pie velna kļūdījies
pāri tiltam noliecies
-vadi savu prātu taisni
tā, lai nebūtu jāgatavo maisi
rītu jau aizmirsīsi,  ko tikko teicu
ar to es tevi arī sveicu

svētdiena, 2015. gada 22. marts

hearing you snore right next to me
waking up wishing nowhere else to be
how i crave for your touch
never knew that it means so much

i begged the universe to stop this pain
i tried to not go insane
but it never stopped
and then i realised
i was such a fool for you..
didn't you see the way i looked at you?
i was blinded by your touch
i was used

and you,
you got me bruised

otrdiena, 2015. gada 17. marts

My Summer Boy.

There was this boy
Walking around that street
Man, he brought me joy
So much i couldn't breathe

And there was this time
When i fell in love with this boy
I thought he gave me a sign
But that was only his pride

And there he goes
my summer boy,
away he goes...

svētdiena, 2015. gada 15. marts

There is no chance for you to see
What i really think about your bravery
'Cause every time i get some courage
I change my mind and do some damage.


Where the hell did you go, my love?
What was your purpose of leaving?
Now i'm watching flying away that dove,
flying away to another meeting.

And there it anxiously goes
Away there goes my last hope
I feel a little tears on my nose
To wipe them off i might need a little soap.

Not because of all the dirtiness
This time i meant my sorrow
Inside i feel real emptiness
Because i'll never see you tomorrow.

otrdiena, 2015. gada 10. marts

know what Kurt Cobain meant when he sang "i miss the comfort of being sad". I've felt so bad for so long that when i'm not feeling bad i don't feel like i'm feeling anything at all.

Don't leave me tomorrrow.

We look at each other
And all of my pain suddenly is gone
You touch my hair like no one never
Just like in my favourite song.
I forgot about all my sorrow
That caused me so much pain
Forgive me if i can't get up tomorrow
I still don't know how to sail.
The reason i wish you would wait for me
Is the same i don't want to leave
And then there comes tomorrow
Surrounding me all this sorrow.

am i going to survive this night?
there's a bunch of a reasons not to
and babe, you're one of them.
if only you knew the truth
the truth that's been keeping me from you.
i can't no longer lie
babe, you're are my scar, you are my scar

otrdiena, 2015. gada 3. marts

late night.

-standing right beside you, trying not to cry. 
can't you see my pain around you, 
all i want to do is die.
(friday morning, 4:43 am)

Vai tās ir bailes, kuras gremdē?
Drīzāk mana vientulība.
Sauc atkal debesu dzelmē,
tur, kur Dieva tuvība.

-Padomā, stāvi, neaizej,
netastāj mani vienu!
Bet tad tu projām ej
vairs neredzot austam dienu.


Kā, lai izsaka ko tagad jūtu?
Es tevis vairs nesaprotu.
Es savās asarās grimstu,
nežēlīgu sāpju jūrā slīkstu.

Attopies draugs, pirms nav par vēlu,
vēlāk manu nāvi uzskatīsi par grēku.
Tie visi kas cieta šodien,
cilpu ap kaklu jau kuro reizi sien.